I was beyond delighted when Rob “Rocket” Arnegard approached me on Twitter to ask if I would be a part of his web series: The Rocket Review “which is an inclusive chat show for ADULTS to discuss topics like Sex • Kink • BDSM • Sexual Health • Toy Reviews • Educational Demo’s • And so much more. where you get in a grown-up frame of mind and join the host and his guests as they explore the taboo sides of human sexuality.”. I was nervous at first, but having already done one interview just a few weeks before, nervousness gave way to excitement. I had a Skype call with Rob a week before the taping of the show and we became fast friends, already plotting Kink Domination in Montreal this summer. The interview runs along the lines of a late-night talk show with sizeable chunks of humour and scholarly talk mixed in. Tune in to Rob’s show – The Rocket Review every Friday night at 9 pm EST and follow him on Twitter at @TheRocketReview